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About Me

I am a mathematical ecologist and PhD student at the University of Exeter. I am currently using dynamic programming and agent-based models to solve partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) to investigate fitness optimal information gathering policies. The goal is to explore how endogenous socio-ecological processes shape the evolution of information use in animals. To assist me I have 3 superb supervisors, Sasha RX Dall, Alex Thornton, and John M McNamara. More broadly I am interested in how mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity vary in function, the evolution of intelligence, and the role of information in sociality. I am currently reviewing differences in the information system functionalities of different mechanisms of plasticity and in the future I would like to combine models, comparative biology, and experimental evolution to investigate the effects of socio-ecological feedback on the mechanisms of plasticity used by animals. You can read more about my research in the science section. I am also obsessed with sci-fi and have various artistic side projects. Currently I am working on a manga, tentatively titled 'Heretics of Xathia', and you will find related content in the fiction section. To see more of my work and stay updated, follow me on instagram @kmew_tri! My qualifications include a MSc (Merit) in 'Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution' at Imperial College London, a BSc with Honours (2.1) in 'Zoology' at the University of Sussex.